Embark on a creative journey alongside man’s best friend with these 97 dog coloring pages that are all free to download or print! If you’re looking for a fun-filled activity that pays tribute to our cute and loyal four-legged friends, then these printables are just what you need!
This collection features a wide array of dog breeds and playful scenarios, including popular breeds like Labradors, Poodles, German Shepherds, Bulldogs, Corgis, Dachshunds, and many more! You’ll also find cute puppies, sniffer dogs, heroic rescue dogs, dogs playing fetch, and even dogs dressed up in costumes!
To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
While you’re here, grab these related coloring pages!
Adorable Shih Tzu To Color" width="791" height="1024" />
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More Free Printable Coloring Pages
If you’re looking for more related coloring goodies that kids love, we think you’ll particularly enjoy these coloring page collections:
Here are 10 creative, fun, and cheap craft activities that you can do with the above coloring pages!
If your kid is bored and looking for something to do, set them to this task: creating a dog fact booklet, using my dog pictures as the pages.
They can seek out facts online or in books and write them directly on the sheets before coloring them in.
Then, for a finishing touch, they can make a cover out of construction paper, three-hole punch the entire project, and connect the pages with O-rings or even twine or ribbon.
For a fun craft that is perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners, you will need a few regular toilet paper rolls – and if they’re brown, all the better.
Your kids will pick which dog face they want to use (you’ll likely have to resize it before printing), color it in, and cut it out.
They’ll paste the face on the toilet paper roll near the opening at the top of the TP roll is sitting vertically.
Then they can cut out feet from construction paper – as well as a tail!
For the most paw-some party favors, none but these cute doggy gift bags will do!
You just need regular brown paper bags and as many dog print-outs as you have guests.
You and/or your kids can color in the dogs, cut them out, and paste them into the bags, ensuring the glue goes all the way to the edge of the cut-outs.
You can DIY your own dog calendars with my illustrations and jazz up that wall that has been looking kinda bland.
You’ll need to first copy and paste the pictures into word processor documents, with the orientation set to landscape. Center the pictures on the page.
Next, you can either create the calendar graph on the computer or freehand it.
If you have access to a spiralizer binder, use that to connect the picture portion and the graph portion.
But if, like most people, you don’t, try punching holes in the bottom of the picture page and the top of the graph page and connecting them with O-rings.
Your kids can bring my dog pictures to life by making puppets-on-sticks with them.
First, they’ll color in, cut out the dogs they want to use, and then trace them against cardstock or other stiff paper.
Then they’ll cut out the outline and paste the two pieces together – this is just to reinforce the flimsier computer paper.
Next, they’ll paste extra-large crafting sticks to the backs as handles.
Set up a stage for a puppet show, or just let your kids play doggies on the floor or at the table.
There are so many cute sayings you can use when you turn my dog pictures into DIY valentines.
But first, you’ll want to copy/paste the illustration from its original PDF into a word processor document.
Then, you’ll put the picture in the upper-left corner – upside down. It will turn itself right-side up once it’s folded into fourths.
Then, have your kids color in the dogs and write a cute message on the inside, like, “Pugs and kisses to you, Valentine!” or “Hope you have a Paw-some Valentine’s Day!”
To make doggy keychains, you’ll need shrink sheets, which you can find easily online at Amazon.
You’ll print off the dogs you want to use onto the shrink sheets and have your kids color them in with markers.
They’ll then cut them out and punch holes where they want the keychain attachments to go.
Bake the cut-outs for the prescribed amount of time and let them cool completely.
Then you can attach the keychain accessories and admire your new dog-themed gear!
There are so many cute things you can do with my dog pictures, but one of my favorites is to make bookmarks.
You’ll start off by resizing the dogs in the images (copy/paste into a word processor document, and you can even isolate the dogs’ faces).
Print them off and have your kids color them in.
Then they’ll cut out rectangles from construction paper – roughly three or four inches by six to eight inches.
They can glue the dog cut-outs to the rectangles, as well as add anything they want – sequins for bling, or they can draw on a bowtie to the dog or a party hat.
To make some buttoned-up dogs, you will need lots of buttons in a variety of sizes and colors.
You and/or your kids will glue the buttons down onto the page, filling in the lines, and overlapping in some places, to create an interesting picture that is full of texture and color.
For preschoolers (and younger), have your kids fill in the lines by gluing down cotton balls onto the dog pictures.
It’ll give the pages texture and help children practice their pincer grasp, as well as eye-hand coordination in general.
They can color in other parts of the dog, like its eyes or its collar (if the picture you use has one), and then make the dog fluffy with the cotton balls.
(As an added step, you can also dye the cotton balls different colors using water, food coloring, and a little vinegar.)
For the family that’s always on the go and always has something to remember, make these doggy dry-erase boards.
You’ll print off the picture you want to use, color it in and place it inside an 8” x 11” picture frame.
Then you’ll need dry-erase markers and an eraser; you can actually write on the picture frame’s glass with the markers and erase it easily – like magic!
Use it to keep track of practices, appointments, or meal planning for the week.
If you come across a dog picture that looks remarkably like a pet that you had, you can use it to create a shadow box of remembrance for that pup.
Buy a shadow box either online or at a craft store; you’ll want to measure the window and adjust the size of the dog illustration so that it will fit within the confines of the box.
You’ll also want to center the illustration so that it’s a bit to the left or the right; the reason for this is that you are also going to hang your dog’s collar in the box.
You can also add in your dog’s name via the computer or write it in manually.
Either way, you’ll have a beautiful tribute to your beloved animal!
My dog pictures are so great for greeting cards for all occasions – birthdays, Father’s and Mother’s Days, anniversaries, get well, or just to say hello.
You can resize the picture so that it takes up half the page on a document in landscape orientation and then just fold it in half.
Or you can take cut-outs and paste them onto a piece of construction paper folded in half.
This fun activity will help pass a rainy afternoon when you’re stuck inside.
You’ll need some smooth-topped rocks plus Mod Podge.
You can resize the dogs in my pictures so that they’ll fit the rocks – probably two to three inches is best.
Print them off, have your kids color them in, then cut out the dog figures. They’ll then Mod Podge the cut-outs to the rocks, smoothing out the paper as best they can.
You can put the rocks in your plants or use them as decoration in your garden, or you can leave them for others to find in parks or on trails.
This is a neat activity that is perfect if you have a classroom full of kids.
Have them color in a variety of dog pictures and then draw, directly on the page, roughly puzzle-like shapes.
They’ll then cut out the pieces.
For older kids, they can make the pieces smaller and more numerous; for younger kids, the pieces can be larger and fewer.
Then they can swap puzzles with their neighbor, or you can even rotate the puzzles around the classroom!