Hilltop christian school handbook

T ogether in FAITH T ogether in LEARNING T ogether in THE ARTS T ogether in COMPANIONSHIP T ogether in ATHLETICS



Engaging Students, Empowering Minds, Inspiring Leaders.

Hilltop Christian School exists as a ministry of Hilltop Church for the purpose of providing academic excellence through a biblical worldview with a desire to develop students who become complete in Christ, build critical thinking skills, and grow in Christ-like character; while providing a loving, safe, and nurturing atmosphere in a structured and educational environment. HCS has a racially nondiscriminatory policy and, therefore, shall not discriminate against members, applicants, students, and others on the basis of race, color or ethnic origin. HCS has been accredited by the North Carolina Christian School Association, an affiliate of the American Association of Christian Schools as well as the North American Christian School Accrediting Agency, the National Council for Private School Accreditation, and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Our classes are taught by qualified teachers who have a genuine interest in developing children spiritually as well as academically.