Your personal identifier(s) used by the department(s) that issue your payments and/or benefits
- your personal identifier used by Veterans Affairs Canada is your file number
- your personal identifier used by Service Canada is your nine-digit social insurance number, except for Canadian government annuities, where your personal identifier is your contract number
- your personal identifier used by Federal Government Pensions is your pension number
If you have moved or changed banks, you must fill out and submit a new form. If you receive multiple payments listed in Part B of the form, please ensure you select all that apply.
Foreign direct deposit enrolment form
Step 1: Verify that your country of residence is one of the participating countries
Once you locate the country from the list below, you will find the related banking and contact information.
Telephone hours
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7 am to 7 pm Eastern time
- Thursday and Friday from 7 am to 10 pm Eastern time
Step 2: Browse eligible programs and benefits listed on the enrolment form under part B
Many programs and benefits you receive from the Government of Canada are eligible for direct deposit outside of Canada. Explore the list of eligible programs and benefits.
Service Canada
- Canada Pension Plan
- Canada Pension Plan international agreement
- Old Age Security pension
- Old Age Security pension international agreement
- Canadian government annuities
Veterans Affairs Canada
- Pension or award
- War Veterans Allowance
- Financial benefits
Pension for Government of Canada employees
- Canadian Forces pension
- Judges' pension
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) pension
- Public service pension
If your program or benefit isn't listed, you may contact the department or agency that issues your program or benefit to verify whether direct deposit is an option.
Step 3: Complete, sign and mail the enrolment form
You must complete and sign the enrolment form and mail it to the Receiver General for Canada.
- Your full name
- Your full address
- Your telephone number
- Your Tax ID or
- Rol Único Nacional (RUT) number only if used in your country of residency
- A check mark beside all the payments and benefits you receive
- The personal identifier, such as your social insurance number or your file number, requested by the issuing department or agency
- Confirmation of your banking information as provided under your country in Step 1: Verify that your country of residence is one of the participating countries
- A stamp or signature from your financial institution to validate the information
To get help completing the form, contact the toll free number or the collect call number listed under your country of residence. You can also contact or visit your financial institution for assistance as well as obtain the required signature or bank stamp.
Mail the form (forms are not accepted by email or fax)
Print and sign the form, and then mail it to:
Organization: Receiver General for Canada Address: PO Box 5000
Matane QC G4W 4R6
Processing time
The first direct deposit will be made approximately three months after receipt of your completed enrolment form. The amount of your payment may vary depending on the exchange rate.