You've probably heard of the ACT and SAT, but how different are these two tests really In this extensive ACT vs SAT analysis, we look at the top 11 differences between the ACT and SAT and explain what these differences mean for you. And to conclude, we give you tips on how to decide whether you should take the ACT or SAT.
At a glance, the two tests aren't that different. Both the ACT and SAT are nationally recognized standardized tests and common admission requirements for US schools. Catering primarily to high school juniors and seniors, each test measures students' proficiency in various critical skill areas—such as problem solving and reading comprehension—that are necessary for college success.
Because all US colleges and universities accept scores from either the ACT or SAT, there's no advantage in taking one test over the other. This means you can apply to the same schools, regardless of which test you decide to take.
But what about the actual content of the two tests? Though not identical, the ACT and SAT do have some things in common:
Despite all these similarities, there are still many ways in which the ACT and SAT differ from each other. For one, the ACT is overall longer than the SAT. What's more, the number of questions and time limits are different for corresponding sections.
Here is a brief overview of the basic structural and logistical differences between the ACT and SAT:
Total Time
Order of Sections
Time Per Section
English: 45 mins
Math: 60 mins
Reading: 35 mins
Science: 35 mins
Writing (optional): 40 mins Reading and Writing: 64 mins (two 32-min modules
# of Questions
English: 75 questions
Math: 60 questions
Reading: 40 questions
Science: 40 questions
Writing (optional): 1 essay Reading and Writing: 54 questions
Math: 44 questions
Each section uses a scale of 1-36. Your total score is the average of your four section scores.
The optional Writing section uses a scale of 2-12 and does not count toward your final score.
The Reading and Writing and Math sections each use a scale of 200-800 and are combined for a total score.
Who Accepts Scores?
Accepted by all colleges and universities in the US
So are these the only ways in which the ACT and SAT differ? Not at all! In fact, the two tests differ quite significantly in 11 key ways. Read on to see what these differences are and what they ultimately mean for you.
Now, let's begin our ACT vs SAT comparison. Although both tests share several similarities, here are the most important differences for you to consider before deciding whether to take the SAT or ACT.
All students now take the SAT digitally. The adaptive testing model means that as you work, your accuracy in answering questions determines what questions will be presented to you in the next module. The level of difficulty will be matched to your ability. So if you answer most questions correctly in the first module of Reading and Writing, for example, the test will adapt and present you with more challenging questions in the second module. In turn, you will have a greater chance of scoring higher on the SAT, assuming you continue to answer questions correctly.
The ACT is gradually transitioning to a digital format. As of late 2024, you can pick if you want to take the test on paper or digitally. Either way, you will be presented with the same series of questions in each section, with no adaptations based on yout performance.
Loathe time crunches? Then you might prefer the SAT over the ACT. This is because the SAT gives you more time per question than the ACT does.
This chart illustrates the differences in time per question (if you were to spend the same amount of time on each question in a given section):
ACT | SAT | |
ACT Reading/ SAT Reading and Writing | 53 sec/question | 61 sec/question |
ACT English | 36 sec/question | N/A |
Math | 60 sec/question | 95 sec/question |
Science | 53 sec/question | N/A |
As you can see, the SAT offers more time per question on all sections of the exam. You'll have the biggest increase in time per question on the SAT Math section.
So if you're worried about time management, particularly on math questions, the SAT offers much more workable and far less stress-inducing time constraints than the ACT does.
Another major difference has to do with science. While the ACT contains a section entirely devoted to science, the SAT does not.
Looking above at our chart of differences, we can see that the ACT Science section contains 40 questions and lasts 35 minutes. Like the other three ACT sections, Science constitutes one-fourth of your total ACT score. So if you're a science whiz who loves the idea of having an entire section focused on scientific data, graphs, and hypotheses, the ACT might be a better fit for you.
That being said, the SAT does test scientific concepts—just not through a separate Science section. On the SAT, you'll occasionally come across questions dealing with scientific passages, data, and charts on the Reading and Writing and Math sections.
In regard to math content, the ACT and SAT both have a big emphasis on algebra. But the ACT also tests a couple of concepts that the SAT doesn't focus on as much.
To start, the ACT has a much larger focus on geometry, which makes up about 30-45% of ACT Math. By contrast, geometry accounts for less than 10% of SAT Math questions. In addition, trigonometry accounts for about 7% of the ACT but less than 5% of the SAT, so there's a slightly larger emphasis of trig on the ACT than there is on the SAT.
The ACT also tests a few concepts that the SAT doesn't test at all. These include things such as matrices, graphs of trig functions, and logarithms.
So what does all this mean for you? If you're good at algebra and data analysis, you'll likely do well on the SAT. But if you're a fan of trig functions and geometry and are comfortable with matrices and logs, the ACT is a better choice.
Here's another math-related difference: the SAT provides you with a diagram of math formulas, whereas the ACT does not.
Before the two SAT Math subsections, you'll be given a diagram containing 12 geometry formulas and three laws:
Although all these formulas and laws pertain to geometry—which, as you now know, doesn't make up a huge part of the SAT—having this diagram handy means you won't need to spend a ton of time memorizing formulas beforehand (though you should take care to memorize some important formulas not included in the diagram).
Unlike the SAT, the ACT doesn't give you any formulas on test day, meaning you absolutely must memorize all potential formulas before taking the test.
In short, if you're concerned you might forget certain formulas, the SAT offers a little more of a crutch than the ACT does.
How big of a role will Math play in your final score? The answer to this question depends on whether you're taking the ACT or SAT. On the ACT, Math accounts for one-fourth of your total score (your Math section score is averaged with your other three section scores). On the SAT, however, Math accounts for half of your total score, making it twice as important on the SAT!
So if math isn't your strong suit, consider opting for the ACT. With the ACT, a lower Math score won't negatively affect your total score as much as it will on the SAT.
To illustrate this more clearly, let's look at an example. If I were to score in similar percentiles on the ACT and SAT—with significantly lower Math section scores—you might think that my total percentiles on both exams would be about the same. But as you can see below, this isn't the case.
As this example indicates, even if I were to score in similar percentiles on every section of the ACT and SAT (with lower Math section scores on each test), my composite score percentiles would differ dramatically. In this case, my final ACT percentile is 19% higher than my SAT percentile.
In other words, if math isn't one of your strengths, you'll have a better shot at hitting the total percentile you want on the ACT than you will on the SAT.
The two tests also differ in the number of answer choices they give you on Math. Both the SAT and ACT Math sections are predominantly multiple choice. But while ACT Math gives you five possible answer choices (A-E or F-K) for each question, SAT Math only gives you four (A-D).
As a reminder, both tests use rights-only scoring, meaning you'll never lose a point for an incorrect answer. So if you were to guess on an SAT Math question, you'd have a 25% chance of getting the question right. But if you were to guess on an ACT Math question, you'd have only a 20% chance of getting it right.
Therefore, if you think you might need to guess on Math, know that the SAT offers a very slight advantage over the ACT, with a 5% higher probability of getting a question correct.
If you love multiple choice, especially when it comes to math questions, you might want to stick with the ACT. The SAT, though mostly multiple choice, also has student-produced response questions, which are math questions for which you must fill in your own answer. In other words, you'll have no answer choices from which to choose on these questions!
Student-produced response questions account for roughly 25% of SAT Math, or 11 total questions total. By contrast, ACT Math only has multiple-choice questions. If you're not a fan of math questions that don't offer you any answer choices, the ACT is the superior choice.
Are you good at pinpointing areas in texts to support your answers to questions? If so, the SAT might be a better fit for you.
Evidence-support questions are a big part of SAT Reading but are entirely absent on ACT Reading. These questions build off of the questions that come before them and ask you to cite specific lines or paragraphs as evidence for your answer to a previous question.
Our guide discusses in more detail the different types of evidence questions you'll encounter on SAT Reading. Evidence questions can be somewhat tricky, so if you're not into the idea of identifying supporting statements, try the ACT instead.
On ACT Reading and English, all questions are in reference to one of four (for Reading) or five (for English) long passages. But on SAT Reading and Writing, each question stands on its own and includes all the information you need to find the answer.
As a result, SAT Reading questions are generally easier to follow and thus easier to answer than ACT Reading questions. The shorter questions on the SAT can also save you time, as you won't need to search the entire passage for the area to which a question is referring.
The last major difference between the two tests deals with the optional essay. On the ACT, there is an essay component that you can choose to take; however, as of summer 2021, the SAT no longer offers an extra essay.
If you choose to take the essay portion of the ACT, you'll read a short passage about an issue and then analyze the different perspectives on this issue. Then, you'll also give your own opinion on the issue discussed in the passage.
Here's an example of an ACT Writing prompt:
For this optional writing section you'll not only need to have good reading comprehension skills in order to fully realize the strengths and weaknesses of the author's argument, but you'll need strong rhetorical skills too. So, if you decide to take this portion of the ACT, you need to be able to effectively compare and contrast different perspectives on an issue as well as give ample evidence to support your opinion.
At last, it's time to ask yourself: which test is right for you—the ACT or SAT? Here are three ways to help you make your decision.
Instead of just guessing whether you'll be better at the ACT or SAT, the best way to decide is to actually take each test and then compare your scores. To do this, you'll need to find an official practice test for both the ACT and SAT. Official practice tests are the closest you can get to the real deal. Here at PrepScholar, we've got all official SAT practice tests and ACT practice tests compiled for your convenience.
Here's what you'll do: choose one official practice test for each exam and then decide on the days you'll take them. As a reminder, each test takes approximately four hours, so make sure you set aside enough time to complete each test without interruption. Do not take the tests on the same day or even two days in a row. In addition, make sure that you're taking the tests in a quiet place and are timing yourself accordingly (as you would be timed on the actual exams).
Once you've completed both practice tests, calculate your ACT and SAT scores using your practice tests' respective scoring guides and then compare your scores. The easiest way to compare your scores is to convert your total ACT test score to a total SAT test score using our handy conversion system.
Alternatively, you can compare percentiles for your ACT and SAT scores to see on which test your percentile was higher. In the end, whichever test you scored higher on is the one you should ultimately prep for and use for college admissions.
If your ACT and SAT scores are nearly or exactly the same, you'll probably perform equally well on either test. So it's up to you, then, to decide whether you'd like to try taking both tests, or whether you'd prefer to take just one. For more information, read our guide on who should consider taking both the ACT and SAT.
Another way you can determine which test is right for you is to take a short quiz. In the chart below, check whether you agree or disagree with each statement.
I struggle with geometry and trigonometry.
I prefer taking tests on a computer or tablet to taking them on paper.
Science is not my forte.
It's easier for me to analyze something than to explain my opinion.
I normally do well on math tests.
I can't recall math formulas easily.
I like coming up with my own answers for math questions.
Tight time constraints stress me out.
I can easily find evidence to back up my answers.
I struggle with reading long passages.
Now, count up your check marks in each column to find out what your score means.
Mostly Agrees — The SAT is your match!
If you agreed with most or all of the above statements, the SAT is what you've been looking for. With the SAT, you'll have more time for each question and won't need to deal with a pesky science section or a ton of geometry questions.
Mostly Disagrees — The ACT's the one for you!
If you disagreed with most or all of the statements, you'll most likely prefer the ACT over the SAT. On the ACT, you'll never have to come up with your own answers to math problems, and you get to let your opinion shine in your writing.
Equal Agrees and Disagrees — Either test will work!
If you checked "Agree" and "Disagree" an equal number of times, either the ACT or SAT will suit you. Unless you decide to take both, I suggest taking official ACT and SAT practice tests (as described in #1 above) to see which test's format you're ultimately more comfortable with.
Lastly, don't forget to find out whether your state has any specific testing requirements. Some states require all high school students to take the ACT or SAT. In these cases, it's usually best to stick with whatever test is required for your state so that you don't need to study for the other test, too.
There are 11 states that require the ACT:
In addition, Idaho, Ohio, Oklahoma, and South Carolina, and Tennessee require a test as part of the graduation process, but these states allow you to choose the SAT or the ACT.
Want more comparisons of the ACT and SAT? Check out our handy SAT vs ACT comparison charts, and get info on whether the ACT is actually easier than the SAT.
Not sure what scores to aim for? Read our step-by-step guides to learn how to set a goal score for the SAT or ACT.
If you're a high achiever, why not go straight for a perfect 1600 on the SAT or a full 36 on the ACT?