LL.M. Degrees

Each area of specialization for our LL.M. degrees grows out of a center of excellence at Georgetown. Most focus on areas of law in which Georgetown is ranked in the top ten law schools in the nation.

Georgetown Law’s LL.M. programs are open to both foreign and U.S.-educated lawyers. U.S.-educated candidates must have received a J.D. degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association. Students educated outside the United States must have already completed the university portion of their legal education and received the degree required for admission to the practice of law in their country. Admission to the bar is not required.

Foreign-educated students who wish to craft their own course of study, sampling from various areas, can choose the General Studies or International Legal Studies LL.M. programs, both of which offer great flexibility. For students wishing to specialize, there are several programs available (see full listing at right).

For those who want to invest in an even more cosmopolitan education, Georgetown offers exciting joint & dual degree options. And, for all foreign-educated students, Georgetown offers the highly popular LL.M. Summer Experience, a summer program that enables a student to earn up to four academic credits that count toward the New York Bar.